Small Business Brief

Medical & Services

Medical Mistakes: What To Do If Your Doctor Makes An Error

Medical malpractice is a huge problem in the United States. Every year, many Americans are injured or even killed due to medical mistakes. Did you know that medical malpractice is the third biggest killer in the USA?

Are you a victim of medical malpractice? Then you should consider contacting an attorney. Just like if you were a victim of a workplace accident, you may be entitled to compensation.

Should I File a Malpractice Claim?

You can file a medical malpractice claim anytime after a doctor has made a mistake in your treatment. It’s important you file your claim as soon as possible; the sooner, the better. If you wait a long time before filing a medical malpractice claim, you’ll have less chance of making a successful claim.

You should understand that a treatment or prescription not working is not necessarily a mistake. Sometimes, your doctor can make a medical decision that’s technically correct but fails to cure you. In this case, it wouldn’t be malpractice and you wouldn’t be able to make a claim against them.

If, however, your doctor has prescribed you with the wrong medicine and it’s caused you harm, you could absolutely file a claim. There has to be demonstrable negligence in order for you to file a claim.

What if My Doctor Informs Me of Medical Mistakes?

In some cases, you might be contacted by your doctor in order to inform you they’ve made a mistake. They might call you and attempt to make a genuine apology.

If this situation happens to you, you should never sign anything without consulting with a legal representative. If you do sign any sort of documentation, you could very well be signing away your rights to compensation.

Do You Suspect Malpractice? Consult With an Attorney

If you think a doctor mistake has been made, you should definitely consult with a malpractice attorney. If a medical mistake has left you with considerable difficulties, you could very well be entitled to a significant amount of compensation.

A good lawyer can help you to decide whether or not you should settle or take the case to court. In some cases, you might be offered what seems like a generous settlement. But it may actually be a very insignificant amount in comparison to what you’re actually entitled to.

Document Everything

In order to make a case, you’ll need as much evidence as possible. This means you should document everything you can.

This means records of your communications with your doctor, dates things happened, and photographs of your injuries. The more evidence you have, the easier it’ll be to make a case in court.

When in Doubt, Contact an Attorney

Every year, people lose out on compensation they would’ve been entitled to because they didn’t think it was worth pursuing.

If you’re in doubt as to whether or not you should make a claim on medical mistakes, you should consider contacting an attorney. Don’t risk losing out on the money you’re entitled to.

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