Small Business Brief


5 Creative SEO Tips for a Local Appliance Repair Company

Did you know that 76% of people who perform a local search, actually end up calling a local business? 

If you can improve the SEO rankings of your appliance company, you’ll be able to get front of people that are ready to spend money with you. But if you know little about SEO, you probably have no idea where to even begin.

Read on to discover five creative SEO tips you can use to improve the rankings of your local appliance repair company. Use these tips, and it won’t be long before your website hits the top spot. 

Let’s begin! 

1) Think About Which Keywords You Need to Target

The keywords you target will have a significant impact on the success of your SEO campaign.

This is because some keywords are more likely to produce customers than other keywords.

An example of a high ROI keyword is ‘fisher and paykel washing machine repairs.’ This keyword will produce better returns than ‘why is my washing machine leaking.’

This is because the former keyword represents a form of intent. The person typing that keyword is actively looking to invest in the services of an appliance repair company.

The person who types in the second keyword is just looking for information, and they’re not sure if they even need to spend money on appliance repair.

2) Create Content That Aligns with Your Keywords

Once you’ve decided on the keywords you need to target, you then need to create some content, that’ll help you rank for those keywords.

Ideally, this content needs to include the keyword in the ‘title’ and at least two to three times in the main body of text. If you don’t have time to write content, consider hiring a writer. 

3) Learn How to Build Links

Aside from high-quality content, links can have a significant impact on your ability to achieve high rankings. 

Setting up a profile in local directories is perhaps one of the most basic things you can do to build links.

You can find directories by searching ‘local directory’ next to a keyword that represents your location. An example of this might include ‘local directory Seattle.’

4) Make Your Site Easy to Use

If people find it difficult to use your site, they’re going to click the back button pretty quickly. In doing so, they’ll return to the search listings to find another site that can do a better job of helping them.

Google will take note of this, and if they notice this happens a lot, they’ll think about lowering the ranking of your site. 

Thus, you need to consider how you can make your website easier to use. This might involve redesigning your site, or perhaps just simplifying certain pages. 

5) Don’t Expect Too Much Too Soon

If you want to benefit from SEO, it’ll probably take many months before results start to appear.

This can be frustrating, but it’s vital you don’t stray from the process. If you give up too soon, you may never see the benefits that SEO can bring.

In a similar vein, it’s critical you don’t use any ‘blackhat’ tactics to shortcut the process. Though such tactics can produce ‘quick-wins,’ they can often result in Google de-indexing your site. 

Can SEO Help Your Local Appliance Repair Company?

After reading this post, you should understand how you can improve the SEO rankings of your local appliance repair company.

If you’re new to the world of SEO, this can be a lot to take in. If you feel this way,  think about just focusing on one strategy to begin with, such as defining the keywords you need to target. 

Once you have that down, you can then move onto the next stage. As long as you keep moving forward, it shouldn’t be long before your business experiences growth, thanks to SEO.

Interested in how you can use PPC to attract appliance repair clients? Check out this post to learn how you can create a successful PPC campaign. 

