Small Business Brief


3 Tips for Growing Your Dental Practice

Nearly 75% of adults have anxiety about going to the dentist. However, they’re still a staple in the community, as oral health is essential to keeping your smile stunning.

If you’re looking to open up your new dental practice, you’ll need to know how to bring in clientele and create a name for yourself. Luckily, you can have the best dental practice management under your sleeve.

When starting dental practices, knowing how to grow your business is essential to success. Keep reading for some of the best tips to help you become a staple in your community. 

1. Hire Competent Staff

You can’t run an office without staff, and you can’t expand your business if they aren’t trained and knowledgeable. Hiring well-trained staff is a surefire way to ensure that your clients feel safe and comfortable. 

Ensuring your staff are experienced and have the proper education as healthcare professionals are crucial to interacting with patients in the chair. Don’t be afraid to offer continued educational opportunities for your staff!

Not only will your hygienists and assistants need to be well trained, but you also want to ensure that your office staff (receptionists, HR representatives, and dental practice management) are trained in interacting with patients. After all, they greet their employees, answer questions, and help with non-oral issues. 

2. Make the Most of Your Marketing

Attracting new patients is a great way to help our business succeed. Even if you have a solid patient base, it can never hurt to get more patients in the door. Dental practice marketing is key to helping you put your business out there.

Digital marketing for dentists may not seem like the most fun or exciting part of owning your own office, but it’s crucial! Upgrading your website, using email campaigns, starting a referral program, running ads, and looking into SEO can help your business to skyrocket. 

3. Take Advantage of Feedback

Though criticism can be hard to digest, taking advantage of feedback from both clients and staff is essential to help you identify areas where your practice succeeds and where it lacks.

Providing your patients with an anonymous survey after their visit is a great way to see where the areas of improvement are. This allows you to focus your attention on expanding these areas. 

Similarly, allowing your staff to feel comfortable enough to express their concerns and ideas fosters a safe work environment. Similarly, it helps you keep your staff happy, which reduces staff turnaround, helping to grow your practice. 

Make Your Dental Practice the Best It Can Be

Dental practices aren’t easy to open up. Knowing how to attract your clientele is crucial to expanding your business.

If you’re ready to embrace marketing for a dental practice, hire the best staff in your area, and send out surveys, you’ll want to visit the rest of our website. You’ll learn more valuable business tips and tricks to help you skyrocket to success.

