As an attorney, it’s your responsibility to provide quality legal representation to your clients. But how are you supposed to do that when you can’t get new clients through the door?
The legal industry is highly competitive. As of last year, there were 1,338,678 active lawyers in America. This means you’ll need to take measures to ensure your firm gets noticed.
If you’re struggling to keep your business afloat, keep reading. We’re going over some tips for successfully marketing a law practice.

High-Quality Content
In order to compete with other firms, you need a strong web presence. Content marketing goes a long way when working to achieve this.
You probably have a website that outlines your practice. However, you need to take things further. Creating a blog is a good start.
Publishing high-quality, relevant articles on a regular basis will show you’re an authority in your area of law. These articles will also help you rank higher in search engines.
When writing articles, steer clear of legalese. Instead, answer questions you know your target audience will find helpful.
An Email Marketing Campaign
An email newsletter may seem a little old school, but they’re still very effective today. Start sending out a monthly email to your current and potential clients.
When crafting your newsletter, think about what your audience will find useful. In addition to information about your firm, include current legal news, snippets and links to your blog articles, and legal resources. Promoting services like the ability to get a lawsuit funding loan on a pending case will help potential clients out of a bind.
The great thing about an email newsletter is you can track its success. Look at click-through rates to determine which type of content garnered the most interest. This will help you when creating next month’s newsletter.
Online Reviews Are a Must
People look at online reviews and testimonials more than ever before. In fact, many people won’t consider investing in products and services if they don’t find positive reviews.
Asking clients to review your law firm after their case is over is a great way to boost your online strength. Make sure to add these reviews to your website and social media profiles.
The more reviews you get, the better chance someone will pick up the phone and call you. Reviews also help you show up more prominently in search engines.
Focused PPC Advertising
If you need to attract business right away, a pay-per-click (PPC) campaign will provide instant results. You’ll have to invest a little money, but if done right, you’ll see a return on investment.
With PPC, you pay for top spots related to certain search engine queries. For example, if you’re a personal injury attorney in Dallas, you can pay for an advertisement that will show up when someone searches “personal injury lawyer Dallas.”
It’s important to use tools like Google AdWords when buying PPC ads. You’ll need to find which phrases will benefit you the most without breaking the bank.
Retain New Clients With a New Marketing Approach
If your law firm is having trouble paying the bills, it’s time to refine your marketing campaigns. In an industry as competitive as law, you can’t risk falling behind the curve.
Use these tips discussed above and start retaining new clients in no time.
Check out more articles for marketing tips and advice any business will benefit from.