Small Business Brief

Technology & Software

How to Develop a Strategic Plan for Your Business’ IT

Does your small business have an IT strategic plan?

If you’re anything like most small businesses, the answer is a resounding no. All the tech you have is probably a couple of office computers, an internet connection, and possibly a business website.

Yet, technology is by far the biggest driver of business in the marketplace. Small businesses that have properly leveraged the power of tech are way ahead of their competitors that aren’t operating at the forefront of tech. This is why you need an IT strategic plan.

But do you know how to develop a strategic plan for your business’ IT?

Here’s a detailed guide on how to pull it off.

Audit Your Business’ State of IT

Even in the absence of an IT strategic plan, your business has probably made some IT strides. Perhaps you have some IT infrastructure in place.

The first step to developing a strategic plan is to audit your business’ existing infrastructure. Make a list of the technologies that are in place, as well as your business’ IT policies. This audit will give you a clear picture of where your business is as far as business tech is concerned.

Identify Your Business’ IT Objectives

What are your business’s IT goals and objectives?

Are you looking to automate some or all of your business processes? Need to integrate some processes to enhance cross-team collaboration? Do you need to provide your employees with tech tools that will make their work easier?

Other common IT goals include:

  • Increasing access to business information for employees and customers
  • Providing self-service tools for customers
  • Setting up IT infrastructure such as networks

Whatever your IT goals are, you need to know them. This is the only way you’ll be able to develop an IT strategic plan that’s customized to your business’ needs.

Build an IT Team

Creating an IT strategic plan isn’t a layman’s task. If you don’t have IT expertise, you won’t be in a position to create a sound plan for your business.

You need to build an IT team.

The large companies have a chief technology officer in charge of this, but you don’t have to hire one if your budget doesn’t allow. You can hire two or three IT experts, as long as they have vast experience in developing and implementing IT strategic plans.

What if you aren’t in a position to bring in any more employees?

You can outsource the task to a company that offers managed IT services, such as OSIbeyond. These firms have the expertise to audit your business and develop a strategic plan that will propel your business to the next level.

What’s more, outsourcing is usually cheaper than hiring in-house employees.

Now You Know How to Develop a Strategic Plan for Your Business’ IT

Technology will give your small business an edge, no doubt. However, you need to know how to leverage the right technologies; otherwise, your money will go to waste. With this guide on how to develop a strategic plan for your business’ IT, we trust you’re now in a good position to develop a plan that works for your organization.

Keep reading our blog for more small business tips and insights.

