DIY Tips for Creating a Luxury Closet

You don’t have to be rich and famous to have the luxury closet you’ve always been dreaming of. These quick and easy DIY tips will help you get started.
Studies show the average woman’s closet is valued at $2,500 for every item stored inside.
Clothes, shoes, and jewelry accumulated over the years tend to add up to more than we think.
If you’re like most people, your closet isn’t what you wish it was. It might not be the messiest or most unorganized closet in the world, but who doesn’t want to walk into their own version of a luxury closet?
Keep reading for renovation TV show worthy tips you can implement yourself!
Built-Ins for a Luxury Closet
One of the best ways to upgrade your closet is to include built-ins, especially if your closet doesn’t already have them. These don’t have to be expensive.
You can buy shelves from your local hardware store, an estate sale, or some other thrifty way you can think of. By using shelves or bookshelves, you can create a custom look inside of your closet.
Be sure to add drawers for plenty of storage.
Storage space is often overlooked when we think about our closet. But drawers would offer plenty of space for purses, bags, accessories, and any clothing you wouldn’t consider hanging.
Organizing Your Built-Ins
Once your built-ins are finished and you’ve achieved the perfect walk-in look you want, it’s time to organize all of your items.
Your new luxury closet should make you feel happy when you walk into it. Sometimes, color coding is a good way to make everything feel nice, fresh and organized. But if you don’t want to do that, you can color coordinate instead.
Put shoes and accessories on display in their own area of the closet. This will make the whole thing feel like a shopping experience whenever you pick out your clothes.
What if you’re not satisfied with just a closet renovation and want a wardrobe makeover too? In this case, Joli Closet can help you restock your newly renovated, luxury closet with plenty of cute items to stick with your new theme.
Mirror, Mirror on the Wall
If you have enough closet space, why not add a few more items to spice it up?
Mirrors, of course, are a must-have. A full-length mirror will give you the opportunity to look at your fine self while trying on clothes without having to walk back and forth between the bedroom and the closet.
If you have a large closet, lucky you. Put a comfy chair in the extra space. Dark plums and purples are in vogue at the moment.
White rugs or throws make great accents pieces to set off the color against the darkness of the closet.
More DIY Projects
Now that you’ve upgraded your closet to a luxury haven, will you set your sights on more DIY projects?
If so, check out our website for DIY and luxury bedroom inspiration!