Small Business Brief


The 3 Biggest Challenges Facing the Food Manufacturing Industry

There’s a reason why the food manufacturing industry employs over 1,643,000 individuals. Millions of Americans rely on this industry every day for food and nourishment.

However, big changes are occurring both in our society and the food manufacturing industry. This is resulting in a lot of challenges for manufacturers.

If you’re involved in this industry, then you must stay up to date on these challenges. Luckily, in this article, we’re going over three big ones that everyone should be aware of. Let’s get started!

1. Plastic Bans

The use of plastics has been widespread in the food and beverage manufacturing industry. Unfortunately, overconsumption and industrialization have caused this to have a disastrous effect on the environment.

Many people boycott products that use plastic on principle. And increasingly we’re seeing legislation, both in Europe and the United States, that seeks to completely ban the use of plastic.

While some food manufacturers see this as a challenge, it’s important to look at it as an opportunity. By not using plastics you label your brand as eco-friendly. This, in turn, can lead to higher sales.

2. Changes With the GRAS Designation

GRAS is an FDA designation that means Generally Recognized as Safe. The problem is that these designations are determined by food scientists in the industry. As such, many activists have pointed out the possible biases built into their determination.

The U.S. Government Accountability Office has already put out a report on the need for change in the GRAS process. As such, we can expect reform in the coming year.

As such, we can expect a change in what types of additives can be added to processed food. This is sure to have widespread consequences for the food manufacturing industry.

3. The Rise of Meat-Free Options

There’s much greater awareness these days around the flaws built into the meat and animal product industry.

Environmental distress caused by animal land use/waste products, animal rights, and health issues associated with meat is just some of the reasons why more people are turning to vegetarianism and veganism.

As such, food manufacturers that offer predominately meat products need to be aware of this trend. This doesn’t need to be a bad thing for food manufacturers.

By offering more animal-free products they can increase sales by appealing to this segment of the population.

Enjoy Learning About Challenges in the Food Manufacturing Industry? Keep Reading

We hope this article helped you learn about some of the challenges that the food manufacturing industry is currently facing. While these challenges will cause some industry disruption, it’s important to remember that they aren’t insurmountable.

All of them can be addressed with proactive solutions that benefit both the consumers and the planet itself.

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