Small Business Brief


The Science of Branding

Branding a business or organization, when done well, connects to an audience in a seemingly mystical way. People end up associating so much value to the mere mention of your company name or by viewing your logo.

One famous study performed in 2008 illustrates this reality perfectly. Participants who were shown subliminal imagery of Apple and IBM worked differently on a problem, with the Apple crowd proving more creative.

Clear science behind what we’ve known for years: branding actually works! In a moment, we’ll share some tips for how to do yours the right way. First, however, there are some basics we must understand. 

What Is Branding?

Branding is the process of creating a mental connection between your business and your customer. Branding is a way to communicate what your business is about and it’s a way to build trust with customers and clients.

Smart branding is a way to stand out from the competition. Your brand is what differentiates you, and it’s one of the major factors that will help you win over new customers.

Branding is important because it helps you build a relationship with your customers over time. Your brand is your promise to your customers about what kind of experience they can expect when they engage with your company.

How Do You Make Branding Work?

Don’t be afraid to be different. Branding is about standing out, so don’t be afraid to make your brand different.

Some of the biggest branding mistakes are when brands try to be everything to everyone. When brands try to be everything to everyone, they don’t become anything for anyone. The biggest mistake brands make is when they try to be all things to all people.

With that in mind, there are some things that you can do to tap into the science of branding. Here are our four best suggestions.

1. Define Key Components

The first of our tips on branding is to define the key components. Your branding, in short, should consist of any type of marketing collateral you put out there.

  • Logos
  • Jingles
  • Phrases
  • Letterhead
  • Color schemes and design patterns
  • Vision or mission statements

Once you know what goes into your branding, you can work on unifying them. Build them around a key vision, as Apple does with creativity.

2. Stress Purpose Through Visuals

When doing branding right, do more than simply mesh shapes and colors together. Have a reason for each color you pick, each design, even how you use the negative space! 

Your visuals should restate the purpose of your company. It should speak directly to your audience and why they would want to interact with your brand in the first place!  

3. Uphold Values

Make your mark! This goes for your messaging as much as it does for your logo. Think about who speaks for your company, what they’re saying, and make sure it all ties back into the way you’re marketing yourself.

4. Foster Community

The most important part of tapping into the science of branding that you’ll need to remember is your community. You’re doing more than selling to customers.

You’re building a culture around your brand and treating these people like family. Follow this link for a quick primer on how to do this effectively.

When You Are Ready

Branding tells your audience what to think and feel about your company or organization. When you’re ready to make the most of it, define the key visual components, align them with your values, and build a culture that your customers can embrace. For more marketing tips, check out some of our additional posts!

