Small Business Brief


5 Fantastic Ways Video Production Can Help Your Small Business

Most people can’t get enough video content. YouTube boasts more than 2 billion users with this number steadily increasing year after year.

Videos cross cultural and language boundaries giving even the smallest brands access to customers around the world. Small businesses should funnel more of their marketing budgets into video production.

Video production gives you control of your story while allowing you to build personal connections with the audiences you serve. Check out these top five ways video production can help your small business. 

5. More Credibility

Videos build trust by humanizing your brand. Instead of a nameless, faceless corporation blindly selling goods for profit, your brand gains a personality with videos.

Of course, the style of videos you create is extremely important in reaching the right consumers. A deep dive into your target demographic can help you formulate messaging that’s relevant and helpful.

The more useful information you provide to your audience for free, the more they’ll trust that your brand is here to help and not just sell. Advise customers on information that helps them solve a problem or build something on their own.

Over time, you’ll attract customers that value your opinion and are loyal to your brand. Brand loyalty means these customers are willing to buy any products you release even if competitors offer the same product at a cheaper price.

Brand loyalty gives you a superior position in the industry in the eyes of your customers. 

4. Improved SEO

Google loves video. As the leading search engine in the world, your brand can benefit from top placement in Google search results.

The main way to improve your SEO using video is to create relevant content and distribute it through the right channels. 

Yes, your website is one of the most important places to place videos you produce. But YouTube is the holy grail of video marketing. 

YouTube is the second-largest search engine in the world. It’s important to maintain a YouTube channel for your business where customers can find your content using organic search terms.

You can embed videos directly from your YouTube channel onto your website. Videos on YouTube can include their own SEO features like keyword tags, transcription, and video sitemaps.

Google will rank your video based on its relevance to consumers. As you accumulate views, comments, and shares over time, the video will gain a higher position in search results.

3. More Conversions

Customers who trust you and love your brand spend more money than those who don’t. Studies show that customers are seeking out video content to get more information about products and services.

According to Search Engine Land, 71 percent of people who watch videos online for product research end up making a purchase. Videos are your chance to present your brand’s value and increase customer reach.

Customers were more likely to reach out to companies after watching a video. This interaction is an opportunity to build relationships offline. 

2. Video Production is Mobile Friendly

Research shows that 90 percent of videos are viewed on a mobile phone. One of the biggest benefits of video marketing is that it’s mobile friendly.

As the number of smartphone users continues to rise, so will the potential audience for your online videos. Customers use smartphones to pass the time, read, learn and get entertainment. 

Creating video content gives you the advantage over competitors who rely on website copy to tell their story. Smartphone users are more likely to share content from their phones than desktop viewers.

This gives you access to a wider audience through word of mouth, the most powerful form of marketing available. Google reports that consumers are more likely to form an emotional connection with a video they watch on their phones.

For brands with brick and mortar locations, video can be a powerful tool in helping mobile consumers decide whether to visit your location. A video on your home page that highlights your product’s best features can be the difference between a customer visiting a competitor over you.

1. Customers Expect It

Customers expect options. Video production present a deeper dive into how a company thinks and communicates.

According to eMarketer, customers expect a mix of photos and videos for each product you sell. Customers learn your brand’s values and personality when they view your videos. 

Audiences under 35 have the highest content expectations. Nearly 69 percent of users who abandon product pages do so because there isn’t enough information in the form of photos and videos.

Consumers expect an average of three videos per product to help them make a purchasing decision. For newer brands, this creates a major opportunity.

Small businesses are nimble and can react to customer expectations with greater ease than major retail competitors. Uploading videos to a website doesn’t require months of meetings or approval from an external marketing department.

Getting the content your customers want is a matter of finding a quality service provider and launching a free YouTube channel. An inbound marketing agency can help tailor your messaging to give your brand a unique personality that resonates with audiences. 

The Power of Video

Video production helps small businesses control their story. Product reviews by customers are becoming increasingly popular.

This is great for customer research but puts brands in the vulnerable position of having someone else speak for them. Release your own product review videos regularly.

Invest in customer testimonials that reveal the highlights of the products. Don’t shy away from customer feedback as negative experiences give you the chance to create content that addresses concerns.

For more information and business tips, check our blog for updates. 

