Small Business Brief


How to Choose a Health Insurance Plan For Your Company in 5 Easy Steps

It’s no secret that the cost of health insurance can be a major setback for small businesses.

In fact, business owners regularly consider it to be a critical problem for them and their companies.

Are you currently struggling to choose the right health insurance plan for your employees without breaking the bank? It is possible to choose a good insurance plan that doesn’t cost an arm and a leg.

Read on to learn how to choose a health insurance plan that will work for all of our employees.

Why Do You Need Health Insurance?

When you’re a business owner trying to figure out health insurance, it’s easy to feel overwhelmed.

Should you choose group insurance? Health reimbursement? Do you need to worry about things like medicare advantage

The stress that comes with finding answers to all these questions could leave you wondering whether you should just skip health insurance altogether.

Before you give up on the idea, remember that there are a lot of benefits that come with offering health insurance.

For example, it increases employee satisfaction and productivity. Health insurance also saves you money on taxes. If you offer sufficient health insurance, you’ll also attract better, more talented employees.

How to Choose a Health Insurance Plan

In addition to understanding the different types of insurance plans available to you and your employees, there are a lot of other things you need to know when choosing an insurance plan.

Here are five steps that will help you through the process:

1. PPO vs HMO

Start by choosing between a preferred provider organization (PPO) and health maintenance organization (HMO). HMOs limit the doctors your employees can visit, but they have lower deductibles. PPOs let them choose their own doctors, but deductibles are higher.

2. Ask Your Employees

Talk to your employees about what they want from their health insurance and which benefits are most important to them. Don’t make any guarantees, of course, but try to take their needs into consideration.

3. Get Multiple Quotes

Don’t just sign up for the first plan you find. Get quotes for multiple plans, then spend some time comparing and contrasting them.

4. Compare Out-of-Pocket Costs

When you’re evaluating different plans, pay close attention to the out-of-pocket costs associated with each one. How much money will your employees have to pay before they meet their deductibles?

5. Compare Benefits

Be sure to compare benefits, too. Every plan will offer some essential benefits, but you might need to dig a little deeper than just the basics.

For example, you might need to find out which plans cover maternity services or which plans will over your employees if they get sick while traveling for work? 

Need More Help Choosing an Insurance Plan?

As you can see, there’s a lot that goes into figuring out how to choose a health insurance plan for your company.

Keep these tips in mind, though, and you’ll find that the process is a lot easier than you might have initially thought.

Do you need more help choosing an insurance plan? Are you looking for advice on budgeting to make sure you can afford insurance?

We’ve got lots of articles that can help you handle these challenges. Start with this article on budgeting tips for small businesses.

