Small Business Brief


How to Train Employees Effectively: A Simple Guide

Employees are the backbone of your business. You could have the best business idea, plans, and marketing, but if you don’t have good employees, don’t expect success. 

When employees are trained well and are good representatives of your business, productivity will be increased, employees are more likely to be loyal to your company, and your customers or clients will be better served. Did you know that 91% of employees will stay for at least a year if you have an effective onboarding process? 

If you’re starting a new business or want to revamp training, read on to learn more about how to train employees. 

1. Establish a Plan 

Whether you’re putting on a training session for existing employees or onboarding new employees, you need a plan. Determine what you want employees to learn through the training and use that to guide your planning. You’ll want new employees to view your company as one dedicated to fully-trained employees and you don’t want to was their time. Similarly, you don’t want to waste the time of your current employees. 

Make sure that everyone involved in the training, from the trainers down to the attendees, understand the goals of the training and what they should be getting out of it. Send an agenda and other materials to review ahead of time to maximize efficiency. 

2. Use Employees as Trainers

No one knows the job better than the employees doing it on a daily basis. Utilize them for training. Upper administrators may think they know how things are done, but if they’re not on the frontlines, they might be out of touch with actual daily practices. 

Utilize employees to lead some of these training sessions, as they are the experts in their roles. 

3. Record Sessions and Make Them Available

New employees have a ton of information being thrown at them in a short amount of time. What happens when they have questions afterward or forget something they learned? Instead of having to email or speak to someone to get their questions answered, why not record the training sessions and make them available to employees after the fact? 

4. Include Culture, Not Just Content

Sure, your employees need to learn things about benefits, dress code, and processes and procedures, but you also should highlight any company culture aspects that you want them to know. Companies have drastically different cultures, so making this clear during onboarding is important. 

Does your company emphasize change enablement or placing family above work and work-life balance (lots of companies say this, but not many actually practice it)? Make this very clear during new employee training. 

5. Assess and Revise Training as Needed 

Ask attendees to evaluate the training and review it regularly. If something isn’t working, change it. Don’t be afraid to revise as needed to make it more effective and efficient. Those going through the training are the best to assess whether it’s working or not.

How to Train Employees to Ensure Success

Given the need for good employees and the benefits companies enjoy when employees are retained, managers need to know how to train employees. A good training program will benefit your company in many ways, not the least of which is increased employee retention. 

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