Small Business Brief

Business Advice, Employees

How to Manage Time-Off Requests Effectively and Fairly

The average US worker will get ten days of paid leave every year, depending on the company they work for. Every employer knows how stressful handling time off and time off requests can be. Between tracking dates and finding someone to cover for the employees, it can get a tad overwhelming.

That’s why most employers will create a time off request policy that dictates the terms of taking paid leave. If you don’t have one yet or the one you have doesn’t work, we’re here to help.

In today’s post, we’ll be highlighting a couple of tips for the seamless handling of time off requests.

Have Clear Policies From the Get-Go

The first step to managing time off requests is to have clear policies in place. Employees should know how much time they’re entitled to, the process of requesting time off, and what documentation is required. Ensure all employees know the rules for requesting time off and where o get the time off request form.

This will minimize the back and forth between employer and employee when it comes to requesting time off. All the information should be readily available.

Create Strict Deadlines for time off Requests

Ensure you have strict and definite deadlines for requesting time off. This will ensure that employees submit timely leave requests, so you’ll have enough time to plan accordingly.

A good rule of thumb is to require employees to submit their time off requests at least two weeks in advance. This way, you can easily plan for coverage and avoid last-minute scrambling.

Requests after the deadline should only be approved in extenuating circumstances.

User Rewards to Retain Employees During Peak Periods

It’s hard to find employees that’ll willingly work through Christmas and other holidays.

Instead of being punitive and denying your employees time off, you can leverage rewards to your advantage. These rewards can include extra paid time off, bonuses, and other perks as an incentive for employees to work during these periods.

It’s a win-win situation for both employer and employee. The business gets the coverage during peak periods, and employees are compensated for their time and efforts.

Use Software to Help With Management

One of the easiest ways to streamline time off requests is to use software. Tons of software solutions can help you handle employee leave management. You can use them to keep track of off-duty employees, leave periods, and incoming requests.

Some software solutions will even automate the approval process, so you don’t have to constantly check and approve requests. This can free up a lot of your time, meaning you can focus on other areas of your business.

Handle Your Time Off Requests Like a Boss

Time off requests can be a huge headache, but the above tips should help make them a cakewalk. Consider using software for managing these requests and also sleeping accurate records.

For more informative content, check out the other posts on the site.

