Small Business Brief


The Perfect Pitch: 6 Easy Ways to Nail Your Business Pitch

Do you have a big business pitch coming up that you want to make sure is successful?

Creating the perfect business pitch can be tough. After all, you only have a short amount of time to say what you need to say. So, how do you make sure what you’re proposing resonates with your audience?

Check out this guide to learn how to nail your business pitch. 

1. Tell a Real Customer Story 

Telling a real customer story is one of the best ways to start a business pitch. Ideally, you want to choose a story that talks about the problem your service or product solved in the marketplace. 

When telling the story, avoid using buzz words and tech talk. Instead, use real names and talk about real customer challenges. Keep these stories simple and realistic so that when people walk away from you, they remember the stories you tell. 

2. Break it Down to the Essentials 

The most successful business pitches are short and sweet.

When giving a pitch, you don’t need to explain every aspect of your business in one fell swoop. Remember- less is more. Prioritize the most important points and stick to those. 

3. Know Who You’re Pitching 

When creating a pitch, it’s not just about what you’re pitching, it’s about who you’re pitching to. Even if you’re pitching the same product and service over and over again, you can’t just memorize a few lines and call it a day. 

Each pitch is a different opportunity, so you’ll need to tailor your pitch to the situation, the person you’re pitching to, and their level of understanding and interest in your product. 

By tailoring your pitch to each individual, you’re more likely to garner interest. 

4. Understand Customers’ Needs and Motivations 

To hit an emotional chord that will really make your pitch soar, you need to understand what motivates the person you’re pitching to and what they’re needs are. 

While needs and motivations will vary from customer to customer, the one thing you want to keep in mind is that most customers are motivated by one thing: results. So, don’t waste too much time talking about all the bells and whistles of your products and services. Instead, focus on how your product will get your clients the results they want. 

5. Address Competition 

While it may seem like competition would be a taboo subject during a business pitch, addressing competition is actually a smart move. 

Everyone has competition, even if it’s in an indirect form. When addressing competition, you should talk about what your company offers that they don’t. You can create chart graphs to show how your business stacks up against the competition. 

6. Show Your Product 

If possible, you definitely want to take the time to show your product during your pitch.

Even if your product isn’t yet built, you can still show mockup versions. A visual presentation can go a long way and increase the overall effectiveness of your pitch. 

Are You Ready to Give Your Business Pitch? 

Now that you’ve read these tips, you should be ready to give your business pitch. Before you know it, you’ll have some new customers on your hand. 

If you liked this post, be sure to check back in with our blog for more business-related tips and tricks. 

